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What is Tap, Tap and why you should try it on your Android phone

XDA Tap Tap: How to Add Back Tap Gestures to Any Android Device

Have you ever wished you could perform certain actions on your Android phone by simply tapping on the back of it? Well, thanks to a clever app called XDA Tap Tap, you can now do that on any Android device running Android Nougat or later. In this article, we will explain what XDA Tap Tap is, how it works, how to install and use it, and what are its benefits and limitations.

What is XDA Tap Tap?

XDA Tap Tap is an app that brings back tap gestures to any Android device. It was created by XDA Recognized Developer Quinny899, who reused the code from Google's hidden feature called "Columbus" that was originally intended for Pixel phones. With XDA Tap Tap, you can perform various actions by double tapping or triple tapping on the back of your phone, such as launching the Google Assistant, taking screenshots, controlling music playback, toggling flashlight, and more. You can also integrate it with Tasker for more advanced customization.

xda tap tap

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How does it work?

XDA Tap Tap works by using the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors on your phone to detect taps on the back of it. It uses a machine learning model and TensorFlow to recognize the tapping pattern and trigger the corresponding action. You don't need any special hardware or root access to use the app, as long as your phone has an ARMv8 processor and runs Android Nougat or later.

The machine learning model behind the gestures

The app uses a machine learning model that was developed by Google for the Pixel's "Columbus" feature. The model is trained to distinguish between intentional taps and accidental touches on the back of the phone. It also adapts to different devices and cases by using sensor data from the gyroscope and accelerometer. The app uses TensorFlow Lite to run the model on your phone without requiring an internet connection.

The actions and gates modules for customization

The app allows you to customize the gestures and actions according to your preferences. You can choose from a list of predefined actions, such as launching apps, toggling settings, controlling media, opening shortcuts, etc. You can also add your own custom actions using Tasker or ADB commands. You can assign different actions for double tap and triple tap gestures, as well as specify different conditions for when they should be triggered. These conditions are called gates, and they include things like screen state, orientation, charging status, headset connection, music playing, etc.

How to install and use XDA Tap Tap?

Installing and using XDA Tap Tap is very easy. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Downloading and granting permissions

You can download XDA Tap Tap from its official . Once you have downloaded the APK file, you need to install it on your phone by allowing installation from unknown sources. After that, you need to grant some permissions to the app, such as accessibility service, battery optimization exemption, device administrator (for lock screen action), notification access (for notification action), etc.

Config Configuring the gestures and actions

Once you have granted the permissions, you can start configuring the gestures and actions in the app. You can access the app settings by tapping on the gear icon on the top right corner of the app. There, you will find four main sections: Gesture, Actions, Gates, and Feedback.

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Choosing the gesture sensitivity and feedback

In the Gesture section, you can adjust the sensitivity of the gesture detection by moving the slider from low to high. You can also test the gesture by tapping on the back of your phone and seeing if it registers on the app. You can also choose the type of feedback you want to receive when you perform a gesture, such as vibration, sound, or toast message.

Adding and editing actions and gates

In the Actions section, you can add and edit the actions that you want to trigger with the gestures. You can tap on the plus icon to add a new action, or tap on an existing action to edit it. You can choose from a list of predefined actions, or add your own custom action using Tasker or ADB commands. You can also reorder the actions by dragging and dropping them. You can assign different actions for double tap and triple tap gestures by toggling the switch on the top of the screen.

In the Gates section, you can add and edit the conditions that determine when the gestures should be triggered. You can tap on the plus icon to add a new gate, or tap on an existing gate to edit it. You can choose from a list of predefined gates, such as screen state, orientation, charging status, headset connection, music playing, etc. You can also reorder the gates by dragging and dropping them. You can enable or disable each gate by tapping on the toggle button next to it.

What are the benefits and limitations of XDA Tap Tap?

XDA Tap Tap is a great app that adds back tap gestures to any Android device. However, like any app, it also has some benefits and limitations that you should be aware of before using it.

The advantages of using back tap gestures

Some of the benefits of using back tap gestures are:

Convenience and accessibility

Back tap gestures are very convenient and accessible, as they allow you to perform certain actions without touching the screen or pressing any buttons. This can be useful when your hands are wet or dirty, when you are wearing gloves, when your phone is in a case or a stand, or when you just want to save some time and effort.

Compatibility and integration

Back tap gestures are compatible with any Android device running Android Nougat or later, regardless of the manufacturer or model. They also integrate well with other apps and services, such as Google Assistant, Tasker, Spotify, etc. You can use them to launch apps, toggle settings, control media, open shortcuts, and more.

The drawbacks and challenges of using back tap gestures

Some of the limitations and challenges of using back tap gestures are:

Battery consumption and performance issues

Back tap gestures require constant monitoring of the sensors on your phone, which can drain your battery faster than usual. They also use machine learning and TensorFlow Lite to process the sensor data, which can affect your phone's performance and memory usage. You may notice some lag or stuttering when using back tap gestures.

False positives and device compatibility

Back tap gestures may not always work as intended, as they may trigger accidentally or fail to trigger at all. This can depend on various factors, such as how hard you tap, how you hold your phone, what case you use, etc. Some devices may also have different sensor placements or sensitivities than others, which can affect how well back tap gestures work on them.


XDA Tap Tap is an amazing app that lets you add back tap gestures to any Android device running Android Nougat or later. It uses a machine learning model and TensorFlow Lite to detect taps on the back of your phone and trigger various actions. You can customize the gestures and actions according to your preferences using actions and gates modules. XDA Tap Tap has many benefits, such as convenience, accessibility, compatibility, and integration. However, it also has some limitations, such as battery consumption, performance issues, false positives, and device compatibility. If you want to try out XDA Tap Tap for yourself, you can download it from its official XDA thread, GitHub, or Beebom. Have fun tapping!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is X What is XDA Tap Tap?

XDA Tap Tap is an app that brings back tap gestures to any Android device. It was created by XDA Recognized Developer Quinny899, who reused the code from Google's hidden feature called "Columbu



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Yoshinori Kusaka

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